These days there seems to be a feverish compulsion to
build walls, fences, and barricades. ..For what purpose? To prevent any kind of
involvement with people in dire distress, any kind of responsibility for them! This was the mentality of the
Priest and the Levite who walked on the other side of the road to distance
themselves from the
wretched man who’d been badly mugged and robbed and left half dead.
For some people raising barriers and putting up
fences with razor sharp cutting edges is the politically correct, socially
correct, thing to do. To advocate such policies is the sure way to earn
popularity and to secure votes. There’s a huge fear of refugees and migrants
crossing national borders – not as invaders but as terrified people looking for
They are destitute; they are hungry. They have no
means of sheltering
themselves from the burning rays of the sun, the misery of
rain-soaked clothes. They carry with
them no food or medical supplies. They have been squeezed into boats that are
not sea-worthy.
If they are fortunate to
reach dry land they find they are resented, unwelcome. In some places they are
treated like criminals to be impounded behind barbed-wire fences.
On the
scales of justice there’s an obscene imbalance between those secure and
comfortable peoples and nations and those who are on the threshold of
desperation; an imbalance between those who are determined not to offer even a
glimmer of hope and those howling infants in their mothers’ arms, the sickly,
the frail, the elderly, the young
fathers and mothers who would lay down their very lives for the sake of the
They are utterly, totally dependent upon the
good-will of others...others who are strangers. The only language that can
speak is that of a shared humanity of caring and helping that responds
to the voice of anguish, helplessness, and of hopelessness
In this bleak world of so much indifference to
human suffering there are the bright lights of
human decency and compassion. Immediately come to mind those heroic
people who volunteered to go to the rescue of those who were afflicted with the
highly infectious Ebola disease.
then there is the wonderful
Regardless of nationality, race colour, religion,
gender or age medically qualified people offer their professional skills to the sick and the wounded in areas and situations where
medical care is not available. Frequently they are exposed to
considerable risk because they are attending to people with highly infectious
diseases or to the wounded on the battle field.
Their concern is solely for human beings in pain…no matter who the person
is, no matter what the person’s allegiances – national, political, racial or
religious... A total openness to suffering humanity
In the same vein Pope Francis is now calling for a CHURCH WITHOUT FRONTIERS – MOTHER TO ALL.
This is the title of the Message he has written for World Day of Migrants and
Refugees. I quote the Pope,
“Jesus is “the
evangelizer par excellence and the Gospel in person” (Evangelii Gaudium, 209). His
solicitude, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalized, invites all of us to care
for the frailest and to recognize the suffering countenance of Jesus,
especially in the victims of new forms of poverty and slavery.
The Church without frontiers, Mother to all, spreads
throughout the world a culture of acceptance and solidarity, in which no one is
seen as useless, out of place or disposable…,
Jesus Christ is always waiting to
be recognized in migrants and refugees, in displaced persons and in exiles, and
through them he calls us to share our resources, and occasionally to give up
something of our acquired riches.”
The following words of St. Paul should convince us
that man-made barriers between people are offensive to Jesus, the Saviour of
Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of
Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down
the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of
commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in
place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might reconcile us both to God in one
body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end,” (Eph.2)
Hungary and Macedonia are small countries, not very rich and I understand this, however. Is very difficult, I mean impossible, to comfort this people with job, place to live etc. Eastern Europe is not Germany or other western countries. Nevertheless I agree we should recognize Jesus in this refugges.