“Do not be afraid, for
I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you
and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand,” (Is. 41.
The prophet Isaiah’s comforting words
floated into my mind as I lay semi-conscious in a hospital bed. Although as a Dominican I’d spent years
reflecting on the sacred Scriptures it was only in this moment of personal
crisis that God’s words spoke directly to me, reassured me and comforted me in
my need. What was so familiar suddenly came alive for me, took on a new depth
of meaning.
What I experienced was wonderful, but
not extraordinary for a Christian. At
baptism we become God’s children and share His own divine life. We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
These give us a divine instinct to think and behave like God. The closer we are to God, the more we become
like Him.
The gift of understanding
enables us to penetrate ever more deeply into the mystery of God and of His
work of salvation. Certainly we believe in these mysteries. But through the gift of understanding they touch
not just our minds but our hearts. That
can transform our lives.
That happened on the road to Emmaus,
as the risen Lord walked and talked with two disciples. As they told Him of their distress at Jesus’
crucifixion He explained to them how the Scriptures had foretold His death and
resurrection. Although they knew the Scriptures they hadn’t made the connection
with His Passion. But on reflection
everything fell into place. Thanks to
the gift of understanding they exclaimed,
“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked
to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (Lk. 24.32).
As a priest I’ve often marvelled at the way the gift
of understanding enables devout young children and unlettered adults to go to
the heart of the deepest of mysteries. Without being learned theologians they
can recognise and love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; they can talk freely
with Him in their prayers. With a God-given instinct they can tell if something
is against the faith, without their being able to explain how. And the great reassurance for the preacher is
that the gift of understanding can enable his listener to get something helpful
out of even the worst of sermons!
Peter and Isidore O.P.