Isidore Clarke, O.P.
‘He knows the price of everything and the value of
nothing!’ Something’s only precious to him if it’s costly. It’s impossible for him to appreciate beauty, love and
unselfishness because no-one can put a price tag on them. He values a work of
art because it cost a fortune, not because it’s beautiful. Success is measured by his wealth and the
costly status symbols he can amass. Something is worthwhile in so far as it’s
profitable. Such people have got
their priorities very wrong. 

The Holy Spirit’s Gift of Knowledge enables us to get them right. If the gift of understanding enables us to
penetrate the Mysteries of Faith and gives us an instinctive insight into the
divine, the Gift of Knowledge helps us to identify with God’s approach to His
creation. Quite simply He ‘saw that it was good, very good.’ He delighted in His handiwork –and so should
we. Any prayer urging us ‘to despise the things of this
world’ is an insult to the Creator of Heaven Earth. Instead, we should see them as reflecting the
glory of God.
Through the Gift of Knowledge we
instinctively share God’s perspective on His creation. On the one hand we mustn’t so glorify created
things that they become what is most important in our lives. Instead of leading
us to their creator we would remain satisfied with what His creatures have to
offer. That’s idolatry. The Gift of Knowledge helps us to avoid that
It also keeps us aware of the dignity of the created
world, brought into existence out of God’s exuberant love. He has made us its custodians, responsible
for treating it with respect, protecting it, developing it and sharing its
fruits, which belong to the whole of humanity.
The gift of knowledge should make us sensitive to the dignity of the
whole of creation and prevent us
exploiting and damaging it.
Above all, through this gift we instinctively share
God’s love for our fellow human beings.
They are His children, our brothers and sisters, made in His in image
and likeness. The Gift of Knowledge
helps us to treat people with God’s love, respect and compassion. It causes us
to recognize their dignity as persons, and not to regard them as sex objects to
be exploited.
This gift enables us to value and protect even the
most insignificant part of God’s creation.
That is very much the theme of Pope Francis’s encyclical. ‘Laudato Si.’