He had a delightful, crazy streak, a gentle sense of
humour. So it came as no great surprise
when our friend told Peter and me that his degree research meant he had to become
a surrogate mother to a flock of ducklings!
This was to test a theory known as ‘animal
imprinting.’ This claimed that certain
animals -especially ducks and geese -were very impressionable. They would bond
with the first thing that caught their eyes, after they broke out from their
shells. Hopefully that would be their
mother. But if not, they would form an
inseparable attachment to the most unlikely of substitute mothers. Ducklings could become the best of friends
with a cat or large dog –a creature which normally would make a meal of them.
They’ve been known to become deeply attached to an inanimate object, such as a
cardboard box or a wellington boot. Incidentally, (I’ve here adapted a cartoon
which I found on the internet. Many thanks to the unknown artist!)
So, our friend studiously monitored the duck eggs from
the moment they were put in the incubator. His research demanded that he had to
be the first thing they saw as they hatched.
He alone provided for their every need.
Would they bond with him? To his
delight, they waddled behind him, as he walked away. Later, when he rode off on his bike, they
took to the air and flew behind him in the traditional ‘V’ formation. When he dismounted and lay on the grass they
landed on top of his back! They’d become inseparable!
Our friend had obviously made a lasting impression on
the newly-hatched ducklings. If he provided them with a substitute mother, they
gave him the evidence he needed for his university degree. I wonder how he felt
having such substitute children.
As I reflected on our friend’s crazy research I was
reminded of the importance of first impressions –not just for ducklings, but for
us people.
There are many, who from the start have been greatly
blessed by being brought up in a loving family environment of devout, Christian
parents. Their faith has become
imprinted upon them. During their childhood
they were introduced to God, and He has been with them throughout their lives.
That’s how countless people first meet God. Thanks to His grace, they’ve stuck
with Him, and He with them -despite their lapses.
Sadly, many more children do not grow up in a loving
Christian atmosphere. Many are born into
a godless and sometimes unloving world.
With such an early imprint, we may well fear that they didn’t stand a
chance of meeting God and of experiencing His love. But God can overcome that disadvantage. Unlike the ducklings, they do have free will
and, with God’s help, can react against an unfavourable environment. And God can and does reach out to them in so
many different ways. Often that’s through us believers. The impression we make
may give them the first insight into what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Meeting us can become the first step to their meeting Him. But do our lives inspire them to want to join
us in following Christ? Or do we put
them off Jesus and His way of life, probably without our realizing it? That’s an enormous responsibility.
I’m struck by the way Jesus created such a wonderful
first impression on hard-headed fishermen, such as Peter and Andrew, the
tempestuous Sons of Thunder -James and
John. Instinctively they left everything and followed Jesus, even to the point
of giving their very lives for Him. That
first impression was ‘imprinting’ on the grand scale –far exceeding the bonding
between our friend and the ducklings!
I’m sure that God wants us to meet Him by imprinting
upon us an unshakeable trust in the wonder of His love and mercy, His total
commitment to us. He wants this first impression
to remain with us throughout the ups and
downs of life.
Like our friend and the ducklings, you and I, may be the first impression or imprint some
people will have of what being a Christian is all about. Will they be inspired to follow us to Jesus?
Isidore O.P.