What a wonderful, what an exciting, Christmas it has
been for me – a preacher! Having proclaimed the Christian message for over
fifty years, I could be excused, you might think, if I wearily complained that
I’m running out of ideas. …that the theme has become stale to me.
a bit of it! God has inspired me to scour
the Internet in the quest to
discover how people of different races
and cultures celebrate the birth of Jesus through their cribs. This has been a revelation
to me. I’m not now thinking of the cribs
mass- produced in some factory and distributed throughout the world. I have
been fascinated by the hand-made cribs intended for the family or for the local
church community.
has been brought home me that when the Son of God became man He made His home
with the peoples of the world, where each one of them was and He became one of
them - just as they were.

another corner of the globe Jesus is welcomed into the world by Joseph and
Mary, wearing Peruvian clothes and with the features of the local people. With
them are elegant llamas gazing with serene reverence at the child in the crib.
Since I’ve spent all my priestly life in the
Caribbean I was much attracted to Jesus being sheltered under palm-branch
roofing, supported by bamboo poles.

Whether the Nativity has been depicted in
ceramics or paintings, the figures in the cribs represented the peoples, the
cultures of the world - Chinese, Indian,
African, Aboriginal, European, and so on. Particular cultures and life-styles
were reflected in the cut and brilliant colours of the garments – as well as by
brief grass skirts and even total
Mary and Joseph were totally identified with the particular culture of these
people who made and cherished their own vision of the Incarnation. The Son of God had become man in their world.
And they had welcomed Him as one of their own.

Jesus can say to each one of us, ‘My brother or My sister.’ To the global family of mankind Jesus with
pride and joy can exclaim ‘My Family!’
of us, as individuals with our own brand of humanity with its language or
dialect, is celebrating Christmas with this single, shared, theme: ‘Unto Me, unto
you, unto us together…a child is born…who is Lord and Saviour of us all.’ As all of us acclaim Jesus as our brother WE
these cribs, each in its own way, and all of them together, are telling me that
the Son of God was born into and raised within a family such as is recognized
throughout the Christian world and is accepted by other religions and people of
no religion.
cribs are together making a statement that the family of man and woman bonded
together by the exchange of promises made in public is what we mean by marriage.
It is within their loving togetherness children are born and raised. This is what the Church considers to be the bedrock of
society: the Family based on a man, a woman and their children.
for me this Christmas is that through this multitude of cribs God has been
telling me that there is a message that needs to be spoken loud and clear: this is how God intends families to be. The
Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary is telling me: love the family, love the
community in which we live, love the families, the people of the world.
Clarke OP
Peter and Isidore wish you and your
family every blessing for the New Year